Little Lighthouse
Little Lighthouse enjoys guiding boats away from the rocks until one night his light stops working. After his bulb is fixed, Little Lighthouse thinks nobody notices what he does and wonders if he should keep helping others. Through this story, children will learn to never stop doing what they love, or what’s right, even if their actions go unnoticed. Reading Little Lighthouse is an opportunity to discuss how our value doesn’t depend on external validation.
Originally from Chile, Matias Arredondo moved to the Big Island with his wife, Samantha. He worked editing and translating texts for the University of the Nations in Kona and writing articles for Kona Coast City Lifestyle Magazine. As the islands have become his home, his desire is to tell stories that will preserve the Hawaiian language as well as educate children about the riches of this land. Find out more at MatiasArredondo.com.
Matias Arredondo